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Finally Goodluck Jonathan receives the full support of president Muhammadu Burhari in the State House

Former president of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan is alleged to have received the full support of President Muhammadu Buhari for his alleged presidential ambition.

Sahara Reporters alleged that Goodluck Jonathan met with president Muhammadu in Aso Rock to discuss how power would be shared in the country and which zone would take over power in 2027. While the details of the meeting have not been confirmed by the president or a member of his cabinet, Sahara Reporters alleged that the former president will contest in 2023.

The report also added that the president has snubbed Bola Tinubu and has made up his mind to support Jonathan to take over from him at the end of his tenure. In 2027, the north is expected to take over power again.

Some Nigerians who seem to believe the statement, rushed to the comment page to speak about Goodluck Jonathan.

Taye " I am agreed with president Buhari Who describe our youths as a lazy generation, imagine, our youths isn' t aware of the constitutional amendment that says that no one shall be sworn in more than two times to the office of the state governor and the office of president of the federal republic of Nigeria, Jonathan can not contest for the office of the president having been sworn in in 2010 when late Yar' adua died and sworn as president again having won 2011 presidential election. "

Okene " Hmm, this Sahara Reporters eh. Hahaha. You mean the same Buhari who is looking ahead 2023 to resume back to his cow farm is busy calculating how power will return to the north in 2027? "

" Buhari will be almost 100 years or more by then, and with his current health status, I doubt if he will engage himself in the future politics of Nigeria. A country he has already served to its peak. Am sure, So were have just taken his 2023 weed. A strong made in Indonesia weed I guess. "

Amos " This is not breaking news! ! We already know! ! We also knew that Sanusi was not dethroned as purported, but was asked to step aside to assume presidency come 2027! ! If Good luck accepts the offer Sanusi would be his VP! ! "

" The northern elites believe they hold all cards regarding Nigerian leadership to the detriments of the common Nigerian! ! Come 2023 we would prove them wrong whether Goodluck joins them or not! ! "

Madu " Don' t be deceived, their only agenda is to deny the South East their turn to produce the President. Jonathan is not contesting and will not contest. The propaganda has started with the same news media they used in 2014 and 2015. "


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