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One notable thing Chioma Avril has done since DMW Boss got Family reunion in Ghana Baby Mama's

Following their holiday in Ghana, prominent Nigerian rapper Davido and his first and second babymamas have been trending on social media for many days. Chioma and her son were not present during the family reunion for undisclosed reasons.

Photo credit: Chioma's Instagram page

Both Davido and his first baby mama, Sophia Momodu, have been sharing pleasant moments from their vacation in nearby Ghana on their Instagram accounts. The singer's second babymama, Amanda, and her daughter, Hailey, travelled down from the United States to join in on the family fun.

It's only natural to feel a particular way at times like this when one isn't a part of pleasant moments that they should have been a part of. However, it has been observed that Chioma has maintained her space and has not reacted directly or indirectly to the reunion taking place in Ghana.

Photo credit: Chioma's Instagram page

She has demonstrated exceptional maturity in dealing with circumstances involving her baby daddy, Davido, both in the recent past and in the present. Despite social media pressure, she is yet to respond to or address concerns about her personal life with Davido.

Even though there was an alleged feud between Sophia Momodu and Amanda, her supporters were busy instigating at her onlin in an attempt to grab her attention, but she chose to remain mute and stay in her lane.

Chioma Avril has repeatedly demonstrated that she is up to the challenge and will not lower her guard in the face of skeptics. She is also not going to live her life according to the wishes of her fans.

You may recall that Chioma and Davido were both present at their son Ifeanyi Adeleke's recent birthday party in October 2020. According to videos and images from the party, there is no bad blood between them, as they were seen being very cordial.

Photo credit: Chioma's Instagram page

Would you consider Chioma's actions commendable?

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